07 Feb Acupuncture for Pregnancy
A little ‘clarity’ on Caro’s new services
Our resident acupuncturist Caro has given her service list a bit of an exciting new update, moving the focus onto pre-natal care for those Mummas-to-be.
What’s new?
Nothing much has changed from a treatment perspective! The list of the benefits of acupuncture goes on and on and on… However, booking in for a new treatment can come with many questions, so Caro has outlined new appointment types that can offer a little more ‘clarity’:
Labour Preparation
Initial Labour Preparation (60 mins)
This treatment acts as a ‘labour preparation’ where the best time to start is around 36-37 weeks. This treatment aims to coax your body into labour and prepare your body for the experience. It is a relaxing experience aimed at making childbirth as smooth as possible.
Follow Up Labour Preparation (60 mins)
Sometimes a few sessions are needed. Starting to prepare your body before the due date can often make for a much better childbirth experience. Weekly sessions are encouraged from 36 weeks, and from 39 weeks, twice weekly is suggested.
Fertility & Pregnancy
Initial Fertility and Pregnancy Sessions (60 mins)
Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or already are, acupuncture can support you through either. It can aid in fertility, whether it be natural or IVF. It can also aim to help you through pregnancy from general well-being to morning sickness, fluid retention, fatigue and breech.
Follow Up Fertility and Pregnancy (45 mins)
Much like the initial consult, this helps support you through fertility issues and pregnancy.
Breech Baby Session (45 mins)
This session combines acupuncture and burning moxibustion over the acupuncture point to aid in turning a breeched baby. The first consult, Caro will give you the treatment and show you how to do it. You will then do it at home once a day, for 20 minutes, for the next 10 days. Breech bubs are the best to come in at 36 weeks as they then have more room to move. The stats on success of treatment also correlates to what type of breech it is – there are about 6 different types.
And… a new therapy without the needles!
Neuro-Emotional Technique AKA NET (15 mins)
This technique is similar to kinesiology. Although it uses some acupuncture diagnostic techniques, it does not involve needles. It aims at removing sub-conscious triggers that may be linked to certain anxiety or stress, such as fears and phobias.
Caro consults at Clarity on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give Caro a call on: 0428 179 836, or email: cap@acuvet.net.au.