
What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy has been around for YONKS – we’re talking roots back in the 18th century. It is a traditional practice of natural medicine which utilises natural therapies such as herbal medicine, nutrition, and dietary & lifestyle practices to nudge the body to essentially heal itself, rather than just managing symptoms. Our training combines traditional medicine practice with evidence based practice to create an integrative approach that gets the best out of both nature and science.

Naturopathy takes a holistic approach, treating each individual as just that, a unique person with a unique story and unique needs.

Naturopathy is well placed for treating everything from an annoying niggle that just won’t budge, to long-standing health problems that require a whole body approach. But you don’t have to be unwell to see a Naturopath! Naturopathy is also a fantastic tool for your health and wellness that can can give you that ‘leg-up’ you might need in driving your performance that little bit higher. In other words, we can get you from good to great. It provides the knowledge base and practical skills you need to be fully informed and totally in charge of your own health.

We work with the core modalities of Naturopathy, including Western Herbal Medicine, Nutritional Medicine, and Dietary & Lifestyle Counselling to restore balance to your health and achieve optimal performance.

Click here to see what conditions Naturopathy can help you manage.

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