14 Jan Wellbeing made easy in 2019
Wellbeing made easy in 2019
Juggling multiple tasks and keeping up with work and family commitments can make prioritising self-care a challenge. And as much as having a massage or taking an exercise class benefit, they aren’t always possible in the chaos of everyday life.
What can you do to instead? How can you easily restore balance and calm when stress, anxiety or overwhelm have undermined your equilibrium?
You could keep a journal.
Research shows that writing in a journal can be as powerful as meditation, yoga and even psychotherapy.
Think of journaling as being a gym for your heart, mind and spirit.
Journaling is an ancient art that is still very relevant and beneficial today. It allows you breathing space to be you, freely and openly. You can write whatever you like and offload any trials and tribulations you may be grappling with.
Whenever you’re feeling stressed, you can sit down with a mug of coffee and use your journal as a mental punching bag (and it’s free and available whenever you need it).
There’s no right or wrong way to write in a journal. No writing experience is necessary.
All you need is pen and paper or a computer. It’s entirely up to you.
Journaling puts you in the driver’s seat of your life as you deepen your relationship with yourself and others. You can feel restored, even renewed, as a result of tuning into your own truth.
In other words, journaling can keep your emotional fitness in great shape. It can enhance feelings of gratitude, connectedness and mindfulness. It can be a tonic for your busy life and a touchstone that helps you navigate life’s challenges and complexities.
A journal can become your personal GPS, to see where you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going. You can dream, plan, strategise, reflect and prioritise. It’s your personal life coach.
If you’re interested in harn
essing the power of putting pen to paper, book into our ‘Writing for Wellbeing’ Workshop, 11 am to 3 pm Sunday April 28th at Clarity (light lunch included).
If you’re new to journaling, or an experienced campaigner, you’re very welcome to join this exciting event.
For more information about the ‘Writing for Wellbeing’ Workshop with Lil Jedynak, or to register your interest, please email: drlil@fixmorefeet.com
Discover how to write freely, live boldly and find clarity.
We’d love to see you at the workshop!
~ Lil
More about Lil: Lily Jedynak is an international entrepreneur in partnership with her husband, Ted Jedynak. When Lil isn’t travelling, she’s enjoying a highly creative life as an artist, writer and musician at her lovely home in Adelaide.
Lil attributes much of her success to journal writing, which she does wherever she is in the world. She loves sharing how the power of putting pen to paper can lead to greater clarity, courage and confidence. Her fun, practical and inspiring ‘Writing for Wellbeing’ Workshops are held exclusively at Clarity.