
Acupuncture at Clarity with Caro Power

 Welcome, Caro Power!

acupuncture at clarity wellness north adelaideWe are absolutely thrilled to welcome Carolin (“Caro”) Power of Power Acupuncture to the Clarity Family.

Today Dr Power, who has been working with animals for over 17 years (you can read more about that here) offers us a very brief intro into Acupuncture and shares some of the ailments she may help with:

What is Acupuncture?


Chinese medicine works in a holistic way to restore balance in the body.  Any disease or disorder is caused by some sort of imbalance, so the theory is to treat the underlying cause, rather than just the symptoms.  From a Chinese Medicine perspective, it works to restore free flow of Qi (life energy) and balance yin and yang.


From a western medicine perspective, it works in restoring blood flow to restricted areas and reprogramming neural pathways to both brain and organs to restore function.


I utilise acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion (heating of acupuncture points), food therapy, exercises (qi gong), tuina (chinese massage techniques) and herbal supplements to treat patients, depending on their presenting complaint.

Conditions & Benefits:


What disorders can Acupuncture be used to assist with? Well, the list is almost quite endless, so I’ve summarised my special interests below:

  • Women’s Health, including:
    • painful periods
    • irregular periods
    • menopause
    • endometriosis
    • PMS
  • Pregnancy
    • morning sickness
    • labour induction
    • breech baby
    • post caesarean scar bridging
  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS, IBD
  • Allergies such as hay fever, sinusitis
  • Scar bridging
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Chronic Pain
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Fatigue
  • Post-op recovery
  • Endocrine disorders


Caro consults at Clarity on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give Caro a call on: 0428 179 836, or email: cap@acuvet.net.au.

To book in a session with Caro, CLICK HERE.
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