Clarity Mural 1

Clarity Mural

Clarity Mural by Elle Dawson-Scott (AKA. Saskia & Shadow)

Noticed our new look? We are delighted to unveil our new mural by local artist Elle Dawson-Scott (Saskia & Shadow)

We were the grateful recipients of an AEDA + ACC Street Front Improvement Grant, and have loved the process of bringing some joy, colour and bold warm hues to our street frontage.

The intention of this mural was to convey a sense of community, play and our interconnectedness with one another, nature and the seasons.

Amidst the artwork you will find various symbols representative of our mission of inclusivity, as well as the seasons, sun and lunar cycles and of course, the flower of life. We hope you agree that it’s a great representation of “that Clarity feeling”.

Over the summer you can expect to see some of these elements making their way inside, too!

Thanks so much for your amazing work, Elle; we love our new look to launch cheerfully into a new year!

Check out some snaps below:

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